WAR RESISTERS WELCOME HERE: Brandon Hughey, US Army war resister, escaped to Canada to avoid participating in what the young soldier came to regard as a crime against humanity, the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Brandon spoke to some 15 thousand assembled in Ottawa on Nov. 30, 2004 to protest BushÂs visit to Canada.
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September 19, 2013
Industrial Military Complex?
War is waged by people who cannot see a point from a different view. War is waged by people who are inherently violent, and who need an outlet for these untowards emotions. War is supported by the industries that manufacture the guns, bombs, et cetera, and are multi-billionaires as a result. We will never rid ourselves of the born violent, nor of the people who profit by manufacturing mass death at a bargain rate. How many people can you kill per dollar?
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August 3, 2011
I hate war. War sucks. Well, yeah, and what's your point? Never go to war? Never?! That's as dangerous as always going to war over every issue. Life is too complicated for easy, black and white logic. If you break into my home I would grab a weapon and look for clear and present danger to my family and me. I would try to scare you away. I would observe your reactions, every movement. I would "go to war" against you, even following you off my property if you threatened me with a lethal weapon. I would judge your actions, past and present and try to predict your actions. You started it by breaking into my home. I would finish things. I'd never take the attitude that violence is bad and I'll never engage in it. That would be naive.
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November 8, 2007
That should have been directed to Telephone Toughguy. Sorry, Loophead. See, I just evolved a bit more.
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September 6, 2007
I was in the Marines
And now I'm back at home THANKFUL to be away from all the crap that went on when we were stationed in Iraq. Too many f'ing children with guns (I'm 29 but lots are younger) with nothing better to do than point and shoot. It's not a video game and TOO MANY people are dying.
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July 20, 2007 (edited)
It's obvious...
It shouldn't be against the law to not want to go to war. He's most welcome here in Canada where we have much less fear - and a lot less greedy warmongers.
The longer that US soldiers are stationed in countries other than the US, the more tension builds.
The US should not be abusing it's power by being a world police state. The longer that the US has threatened its power towards other nations, the more likely there is going to be backlash. This war will never be over until the US backs out and realizes they can't control everything.
It's just too bad that a lot of Americans believe that war is the answer. A lot of those Americans don't see outside their propaganda-filled CNN/FOX/etc. news sources.
Travel anywhere outside North America. ..to Europe. Travel to Asia. Learn what peaceful cultures are about, then you'll understand why a lot of countries are losing a lot of respect for the USA and their 'war on terror'.
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July 19, 2007
im not surprised...
You call yourself "war resisters" but all you all are just cowards. You are too scared to go fight for your country no matter what the circumstance. What it comes down to is if you support the troups or not that are already out in iraq dieing so you can have the freedom to decide to move to canada in the first place! There's not even a draft and you're already running! I hope you all enjoy living a life where you ran away from your responsibilities and your duty so you wouldn't have to be a volunteer soldier!
Telephone Toughguy
March 7, 2007 (edited)
The world hates us
Untill the jackboots are marching down their main street and then they will love us again. No worries. It isn't about hate or warmongering, it's about strategic projection of power. Both political parties understand and use it, regardless of what they sell to their constituency during elections.
Freedom of speech is one of the things we fight ironically and is the very reason we are able to protest by peacefull assembly. War sucks, but it has been a major driving force in human history and without arms races of the 19th and 20th century things like microwaves and jetliners and vaccines and antibiotics and radio communications and satellites and plastic and the internet would not have happened yet (al gore could not have created it without the help of the us military).
War is like the winter or flu, yeah you can't wait for it to be over, but until everyone evolves, it is a natural part of the cycle of life on the planet. This will all hopefully make sense when our grandhildren read about how we won this conflict in history books.
Lastly, although wishing for peace is ultimately an altruistic endeavor, the fact that humans have been waging war for millenia over religion, resources and land, makes it hardly an instantaneous and easy mission. Turning off the genetic presdispostion to form bands and gangs and stake claims of territory and fighting other bands to protect it will be a feat in DNA wizardry. It is hard coded in our species as a survival trait and therefore continued and replicated behavior that increases the survival rate of our offspring. More can be read about this in a book I just read for the 2nd time but cannot find online right now.
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August 3, 2006
Very true normalkid...
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May 27, 2006
its so easy how opinions on war changes so quickly. it all depends what side u are on.